This picture was taken a few weeks after moving into the apartment. Out apartment is in the basement with very few small windows. So pretty much it is a dungeon. We were thankfully given some really nice lamps. I think we had just gone and bought the right size bulbs and finally had some light. We were happy!

This was a little carnival that was randomly in the back parking lot of The Newgate Mall a month or so ago! Since we didn't want to spend 5 bucks each to ride one Chris and I just went and walked through it haha. I have this strange love for old carnivals like that. I think they are great.

This was last week after it rained. Rainbows are so amazing!!

Chris took me on a little date walking up 25th Street. It was fun. I have been wanting to do it for a few months. It is such a cool place and it is fun looking at the horses that are there right now.

I turned 21 on Tuesday :) Chris was so cute. He got me roses and balloons along with another couple really thoughtful gifts. We were lucky to get to go to a friend's wedding at the Salt Lake Temple that day. I can't think of a better way of spending your birthday. We alos got to go spend a couple days up at the condo in Eden which was really fun. My husband is the best! I love him so much!